Signals & Systems [Videos, Notes]

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This playlist includes videos related to Signals and Systems and it covers all the basic fundamentals of Signals and Systems.

Here Prof. Hitesh Dholakiya has covered all the topics of Signals and Systems with the following outlines: 

1. Introduction to Signals:
Basics and Applications of Signals, Classifications of Signals, Standard Signals {Impulse, Step, Ramp, Signum, Rectangular, Sinc and Sampling}, Operations on Signals {Time Shifting, Time Folding, Time Scaling & Arithmetic Operations}, Plot of Signal from the Function, Even and Odd Signals, Identification of Even and Odd Components of Signals, Periodicity of Signals, Energy and Power of Signals.

2. Introduction to Systems:
Basics and Applications of Systems, Classifications of Systems, Linear and Non-Linear Systems, Time Invariant and Time Variant Systems, LTI and LTV Systems, Static and Dynamic Systems, Causal and Non-Causal Systems, Invertible and Non-Invertible Systems, Stable and Unstable Systems, Impulse Response of Systems.

3. Convolution:
Basics and Properties of Convolution, Limits of Convolution, Area of Convoluted Signal, Convolution of Continuous Time Signals, Convolution by Slide and Shift Method, Convolution by Image Method, Convolution Examples, Linear Convolution, Circular Convolution, Deconvolution, Long Division Method of Deconvolution.   

4. Laplace Transform:
Basics and Applications of Laplace Transform, Laplace Transform Vs Fourier Transform, Properties of Laplace Transform, ROC of Laplace Transform, Examples of ROC and Laplace Transform, Unilateral Laplace Transform, Laplace Transform of Standard Signals, Examples of Laplace Transform, Impulse Response of the system using Laplace Transform, Initial and Final Conditions using Laplace Transform.

5. Z Transform:
Basics and Properties of Z Transform, Relation of Z Transform with DTFT, Z Transform of Discrete Sequence, Examples of Z Transform, Z Transform of Standard Signals, Examples of Z Transform, Initial and Final Value Theorem using Z Transform, ROC of Z Transform, Examples of ROC and Z Transform, Causality and Stability using Z Transform, Long Division Method for Inverse Z Transform, Direct Method or Partial Fraction Method for Inverse Z Transform, Residue Method for Inverse Z Transform, Examples of Properties of Z Transform, Transfer Function and Impulse Response by Z Transform.

6. Fourier Series:
Fourier Series Vs Fourier Transform, Fourier Series Coefficient Derivation, Types of Fourier Series {Exponential, Trigonometric and Polar Fourier Series}, Properties of Fourier Series, Relation between Trigonometric and Exponential Fourier Series, Examples of Fourier Series Coefficient, Fourier Series Coefficients from Symmetry, DC Component of Fourier Series, Fundamental Component and Harmonics of Fourier Series, Examples of Trigonometric Fourier Series, Examples of Exponential Fourier Series.

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