Antennas and Wave Propagation

Validity : 6 Months

The Antenna and Wave Propagation course caters specifically to Engineers, Professionals, Researchers, and Enthusiasts keen on delving into the realm of Antenna System. It stands out as a distinctive offering within the online learning landscape.

Designed as an advanced program, this Antenna and Wave Propagation course aims to furnish students with an in-depth grasp of Antenna systems, encompassing their principles, applications, and design intricacies. Antennas serve as pivotal components across diverse sectors such as aviation, defence, meteorology, and remote sensing, underscoring their significance. By delving into both theoretical underpinnings and contemporary advancements in Antenna Designing, this course equips participants with a robust knowledge base.

Progressing from fundamental to advanced concepts, the course facilitates a thorough comprehension of intricate Antenna technologies, paving the way for future proficiency.

This course covers the following Chapters.

  • Antenna Parameters
  • Dipole Antenna
  • Antenna Array
  • Wire Antenna
  • Microstrip Antenna
  • Aperture Antenna
  • Antenna Measurement
  • Wave Propagation

This course offers straightforward, step-by-step guidance, starting from basic concepts and progressing to more advanced ones, all explained in simple English for easy comprehension by all.

Upon finishing this Antenna and Wave Propagation Course, individuals will find themselves well-equipped to delve deeply into this fascinating field with ease.

Each chapter covers following topics in great details.

1. Antenna Parameters: Radiation Pattern of Antenna, Parameters of Radiation Pattern, Antenna Radiation Density and Radiated Power, Antenna Radiation Intensity, Antenna Beam Efficiency, Beam Angle & Beam Solid Angle, Examples of HPBW and FNBW, Antenna Field Zones, Antenna Radiation Efficiency, Antenna Directivity, Examples of Antenna Directivity, Antenna Gain, Antenna Apertures, Polarization of EM waves, Friis Transmission formula, Transmission Path Loss, Examples of Friis Transmission formula, Retarded Potential, Reflection Coefficient and VSWR of Antenna, Antenna Temperature, Effective Height of Antenna, Reciprocity theorem of Antenna, Examples of Antenna Parameters.

2. Dipole Antenna: Types of Dipole Antenna, How Dipole Antenna Radiates in space, E field and H field in dipole antenna, Radiation resistance and radiated power of Hertzian dipole antenna, Radiation resistance and radiated power of halfwave dipole antenna, Radiation resistance and radiated power of Small dipole antenna, Dipole Antenna feeding techniques, Monopole antenna and imaginary ground concept of monopole antenna, Folded Dipole Antenna, Dipole Antenna Parameters, Examples of Dipole Antenna.

3. Antenna Array: Basics of Antenna Array, End Fire Array and Broadside Array, Two Isotropic source array, Two point array separated by half wavelength, Two point array separated by wavelength, Radiation pattern of two point antenna array, Pattern Multiplication, Pattern Multiplication of four point sources, Pattern Multiplication of eight point sources, Binomial Array, Phased Antenna Array, Smart Antenna, Dolf Tchebyshev array, Designing of Dolf Tchebyshev array, Examples of Antenna Array.

4. Wire Antenna: Loop Antenna, Radiated Power and Radiation resistance of loop antenna, Details of Helical antenna, Designing of helical antenna, Problems on helical antenna, Yagi Uda antenna, Designing of Yagi Uda Antenna, Problems on Yagi Uda Antenna, Turnstile Antenna, Long Wire Antenna, Resonant Long Wire Antenna, Travelling wave antenna, V Antenna, Rhombic Antenna, Designing of Rhombic Antenna, Log Periodic Antenna, Spiral Antenna.

5. Microstrip Antenna: Microstrip Antenna, Designing of Microstrip Antenna, Example of Microstrip Antenna, Feeding Methods of Microstrip Antenna, PIFA Antenna, Babinet's Principle, Slot Antenna.

6. Aperture Antenna: Horn Antenna and it's radiation, Reflector Antenna, Feeding methods of reflector antenna, Aperture efficiency of reflector antenna, Problems on reflector antenna, Lens antenna and working principle of lens antenna, Comparison of reflector antenna & Lens antenna.

7. Antenna Measurement: Antenna Impedance Matching, Radiation pattern measurement, Gain measurement, Source of error in gain measurement, Impedance measurement, Phase measurement, Polarization measurement, Anechoic chamber.

8. Wave Propagation: Radio wave propagation, Ground wave propagation, Sky wave propagation, Space wave propagation, Critical frequency, Maximum Usable frequency, Virtual height and Actual Height, Skip distance, Examples of Sky Wave Propagation, Examples of Space Wave Propagation.

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